The work of my master student Xingyu Liu just got accepted at the MDEML track of the SEAA 2023 scheduled to take place in Durres, Albania. I will share the link to the publication as soon as it gets published. Following is the abstract of the paper:
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We (yt, David A. Manrique Negrin, Raghavendran Gunasekaran, Loek Cleophas, Mark van den Brand, Boudewijn R. Haverkort) conducted an interview study with 19 professionals from industry and academia who are closely associated with different lifecycle stages of the corresponding digital twins. The goal was to get better insight into the...
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Last year I was part of a bachelors group project at TU Eindhoven where the students developed a web application for labeling and thematically analyzing texts. The tool is now published at Journal of Open Source Software. The tool is called LaMa, short for Labelling Machine, is based on an...
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