About me

Who am I?

I am a PhD candidate at the Software Engineering and Technology cluster at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). My primary research is focused on developing necessary methodology and tooling for managing consistency among cross-domain models in the context of a digital twin. This project is part of the Digital Twin project funded by NWO (Dutch Research Council).

My research interests and published works are available here.

Academic background

I received my bachelor’s degree in Information Technology with a Software Engineering major from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (2013) and master’s degree in Software Systems Engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Germany (2017). I worked with FEV GmbH (Alsdorf, Germany) for my master’s thesis where I studied Software Product Line (SPL) in the context of the automotive industry and implemented a similarity analysis framework that helps to identify SPLs from existing software components.

I obtained Engineering Doctorate (EngD) degree in Software Technology from Eindhoven University of Technology in 2020. During my graduation project, I designed and developed a platform named MaaS (Model as a Service). With this platform organizations can share heterogeneous computational models as service among themselves without sharing the model themselves. This work was executed in the context of Sustainable Food Initiative and Internet of Food project.


Since 2011, I have worked as a professional software developer in different organizations in Bangladesh, Germany, and the Netherlands. During this period, I developed desktop and web applications as well as augmented reality applications for HoloLens. Please, consult my LinkedIn page if you want to know more.